Lily is getting so opinionated lately. She really lets her voice be heard. When she wants something she points and says "uh-uh" until she gets it. Frequently she could get the thing she wants on her own but she prefers someone to do it for her (not sure where she got that idea). Some times she just doesn't want me to do what I'm doing and she gets mad at me. She was playing on the playground and I was sitting behind her on the ground and she kept swatting at me to move away. She just didn't want me to be behind her or to touch her. She wants to play on her own. Lily and I flew up to Portland to go to her Aunt Melody's college graduation this month. While waiting to board our flight Lily decided to walk around. I let her walk on her own. When she got too far and I went to get her, she started running (not real running yet, but fast walking), then she turned around and threw her sippy cup at me (I was still about 10 feet away). Then she realized that she didn't want me to have her sippy cup so she ran to get it before I could. She thought this was hilarious.
She always tries to play with the bigger kids wherever we are. On the playground kids will be shouting across the play area to each other and she'll yell right with them. She likes to be a part of the group. Then she'll try and follow them when they climb the playground equipment. She's not quite big enough to do this but she tries. There's one step she can climb onto and she's so proud when she gets up on it.
She's also fond of "helping" me carry our gear up to and from the car. She likes to carry her little lunch box. She's very cute walking down the hall with her lunch box and a big smile. It is much easier now that she can walk part of the way between our house and car. It's slower but it's much easier on me. For the past few weeks my shoulder has been sore from carrying her so much in my left arm. It's good to get a little break. She's pretty good at going up the stairs. For the first flight she can do it only holding one hand but for the second flight she starts to get tired and needs to hold both my hands. She's getting better though.
--Wears 18 month and 24 month clothes.
--Wears a size 5 diaper.
--Wears a size 6 shoe.
--Loves stuffed animals and books the most. Also loves phones and ride-on toys of all kinds.
--Loves fruit: bananas, strawberries, watermelon, grapes, blueberries, mango, apricots(!).
--Loves dairy: milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese.
--Eats meat occasionally, but not a lot. Likes meatballs and raviolis with meat.
--Still love peakaboo.
--Loves an animal sounds game on mommy's iPhone. Thinks she's really special for getting to play with mommy's iPhone.
--Favorite things to do are listening to music and reading.
--Knows as many signs as we've tried to teach her: milk, baby, water, food, more, elephant, alligator, bath.
--Loves bath time. She wants to get in the bath when she hears the shower come on in the morning when mommy or daddy take showers and signs "bath" like crazy. She starts signing "bath" when she's done with dinner because she knows it's time for her bath.
--Love to help clean up. If given a rag she'll wipe off tables to help.
--Hates getting her hair fixed and likes to pull out hair ties and clips.
--Started swimming lessons this month. Adores it. Loves water in general. Is really good at holding onto the kick board on her own while mommy holds her feet only to show her how to kick. Much better than the other kids her age at this task.
--Loves being startled and surprised. She especially loves it when I hide around corners and jump out and scare her.
--Is ticklish on her thighs and stomach.
--Can point to her nose, belly, and eyes.