Abby is still a great eater. Although we did find something she wouldn't eat this month--crepes. We're not sure why she doesn't like them since she likes similar things like pancakes, but she definitely didn't. She's started practicing eating with a spoon by herself. She thinks she's pretty special when she has one, kind of like she's doing something she's not supposed to. She's actually not bad at it, I think she'll pick it up pretty fast. She really eats quickly for not having any teeth yet. I'm not sure how much she chews versus how much she just swallows whole. She enjoys eating a lot though. She does still put everything in her mouth too. She can find the tiniest piece of paper on the ground and try to eat it.
Her sister and the cat are still her favorite things. She loves being near them and playing with them. Whenever the cat is nearby she wants to touch her. Abby and Lily play together really well. Lily finds Abby so much more fun now since she can do so much more. Abby just started crawling this month (March 23rd). I'm sure she'll have even more fun with Lily once she gets faster and can try and catch her.
She loves babies so much. Not actual babies, baby dolls. Lily has a doll that Abby became obsessed with. It's Lily's favorite toy right now too and Abby would get extremely angry if she could not have it. Lily often let her hold it just so she wouldn't get angry and scream. But we had to get Abby her own baby. And she loves it. She likes to carry it around with her and bring it wherever she goes.
The crazy amounts of snow finally left this month (but we still had a few more smaller snow storms). But we were able to start getting outside more and even had a few trips to the park. We now live walking distance from our favorite park so we're excited to start taking advantage of that.