We had our first prenatal appointment this morning. We met with one of our midwives, Polli. Before getting pregnant and once we found out we were pregnant we did a lot of research on what we (but mostly I) wanted out of pregnancy and delivery. I read a lot of personal accounts but also research about the effectiveness of midwives vs. obstetricians. Basically, it comes down to the use of interventions during prenatal care and childbirth. Midwives have lower rates of all forms of interventions (cesarean sections, episiotomies, forceps deliveries, etc.). Here's an
abstract from a randomized control trial in Canada where low-risk mothers were randomly assigned to be treated by a midwife or an OB/GYN or family doctor. A retrospective study in the US also shows that women under the care of a midwife
receive fewer c/s. Women who see midwives are also more satisfied with the care the receive and with their delivery experience as shown in this
article. Midwife-assisted births were also studied here in Southern CA with positive results in a
longitudinal study of LA County and USC's midwifery program. Although, I've anecdotally heard that UCLA's midwives are much better than USC's. After taking all of this into account we decided a midwife was a better fit for us.
So we're using the UCLA midwife group. I think it's a bit unusual how it's set up but the midwife group sees patients as apart of a midwife-OB/GYN practice. There are 5 midwives and 5 OBs. I'll see all of the midwives over the course of my prenatal care and then whichever midwife is on call when I go into labor will deliver our baby. The midwife we met with today (Polli) told us that they all have different personalities but they really follow the midwifery vision which is that this is a partnership between us and the midwife and we make the decisions together. They are minimally invasive but use technology and interventions when necessary.
So here's the run-down of what happened at the visit:
-Filled out my medical history.
-Met with a nurse to get blood pressure taken, pee in a cup and given a pregnancy book and packet of information.
-Met with Polli for about 20 minutes to go over medical history, determine the due date, explain procedures & prenatal screening/testing and have our questions answered.
-Physical exam (breast exam, overall wellbeing, internal check & swab).
-TB test
-Blood work and another urine test.
Polli gave me a
due date of 4/30. So I'm going to say my due date is between 4/25-4/30.
Prenatal testingWe are low-risk since we're both young and healthy and don't have any history of birth defects in our families. Polli recommended that we have two prenatal tests. We'll do an ultrasound at 12 weeks along with blood tests and then we'll do a 2nd ultrasound at 18-22 weeks with some more blood tests. She felt, and we agreed, that these are the only tests that are necessary for low-risk pregnancies. If any of the tests show potential problems then we'll move on to more invasive tests (amniocentesis) if necessary. I'll go back on
Oct 16 for the ultrasound and my next visit. After that I'll be seen once a month until close to the end of pregnancy. Polli explained to us the fears some people have about ultrasounds and why this particular one is safer.
Other notables
I will give birth in UCLA Medical Center just like any other delivery with an OB/Gyn. UCLA was recently ranked the #3 hospital in the country by US News and World Report and the #1 hospital in the West. We're confident that we are getting the best care possible especially in the case of an emergency. Their c/s rate is 12%. 50% of their patients do not have epidurals. Intermittent fetal monitoring is ok and I don't have to have an IV so I will be able to move freely during labor. I'm free to eat and drink during labor. The baby will be given to me immediately after birth so it can have immediate skin-to-skin contact (this is probably the most important thing to me for our birth) and can nurse right away. The baby will only be taken away after it's done nursing. Babies room-in with moms, they don't even have a standard separate nursery for babies. I can have an early check-out if I want.
Recommendations-Start taking an omega-3 supplement. An over-the-counter medication called "Expectalipil" was recommended which is derived from seaweed instead of fish.
-Exercise. Recommended walking, swimming and prenatal yoga.
-Weight gain should be between 25-35 lbs. She reminded me that the less I gain the less I'll have to lose later.
-Call right away with any bleeding, since my blood type is O- and Scott is A+ our baby could have a different Rh factor than I do. I'll need shots at a couple points during pregnancy/delivery but if there's any bleeding during the pregnancy I might need a mini-shot.
That's about it. We will return on
October 16th (my mom's birthday) to see the baby for the first time and to meet with the midwife again.