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Monday, December 1, 2008

1st Trip to Disneyland and fun with Uncle Grant

Lily got to take a visit to Disneyland with mommy, Uncle Grant and Grandma Sue. Uncle Grant and Grandma Sue came down for a visit for a few days and Uncle Grant wanted to take a trip to Disneyland, so off we went.

Riding on the merry-go-round.

In front of the castle with its Christmas lights decked out in Mickey ears.

Her first ride was It's a Small World. She fell asleep while waiting in line (oddly, that was the longest line of the day); but she woke up as soon as we got on the boat and got going. She loved looking around at all the lights and moving parts and listening to all the singing. She was enthralled and just kept looking back and forth.

It's a Small World and the Carousel where the only rides she went on. We also watched the holiday parade and she enjoyed that as well. It was pretty loud in certain parts but she was pretty entertained watching everything go by.

Lily had a great time playing with her Uncle Grant. She like sitting on his shoulders and pulling his hair. She loves pulling everyone's hair, actually.

Uncle Grant leaves tomorrow for his mission. He is going to the Dominican Republic and will be gone for 2 whole years. We are all very sad to see him go.


  1. It was hard to watch Grant leave today. I don't think it will really sink in until we are all together for Christmas and he's not there. It's good that you guys got to spend time with him before he left. It looks like you had a lot of fun.

  2. It's going to be really weird at Christmas.
