Repeats everything! She usually has a cup of milk in bed before we get up for the day. She knows that Daddy usually gets this for her, so she pushes his face if his eyes are closed and yells at him to wake up. Then she does the milk sign and points for the door to tell him to go get it. If he doesn't get up fast enough, she pushes him until he does. We're trying to teach her to say "please" but it hasn't caught on yet. She really is a motor mouth. She's pretty much always talking. We can't make out most of it but she is in constant conversation with us and herself. She has also started singing. Especially if she's listening to music or watching something with music by herself, she starts singing along. She's not saying the right words but she is singing along. It's very sweet.
We've been spending a lot of time together since Daddy has ben so busy finishing his work. We joined KidSpace museum a while back and we've been making use of that membership. We went to their Pumpkin Festival at the beginning of the weekend and they had age-appropriate carnival games for Lily to play and she won some prizes. Another weekend we went there was a dog event so we spent a lot of time outside just watching all the dogs walking by.
Another new activity that we're starting to enjoy together is singing songs that have hand or body motions. The first one she learned was Itsy-Bitsy Spider which she sings with her Bauby a lot (although not with the correct words!). In fact whenever she talks to her Bauby on the phone or Skype (video calling), she starts the hand motions because she wants to sing it. So far she can only do the spider part but she's getting better. She also likes when mommy sings "Popcorn popping on the apricot tree". Her favorite part is when you use your hands to make binoculars to look through. She tries to do this but she ends up just covering her eyes. She likes looking through mommy's though. She's also learning "Head, shoulders, knees and toes" and the "Hokey Pokey". We were surprised when she was able to put her right foot in and shake it all about. She was smart enough to know she couldn't balance on one foot and leaned against the couch to pick her foot up.
Words: hi, bye, mama, dada (though sometimes dada is mama too), car, bird, blue, apple octopus, up, down, milk, more, no, yes, no-no (her daycare provider's nickname), baby, hat, shoes, pumpkin (but sometimes calls them apples), mine, bunny (can say this so clearly!), ball, papa, boom, uh-oh! (boom and uh-oh usually go together), one, two, five, a lot of the letters.
Wearing 24 months or 2T, a few 18 months here and there but those are getting pretty snug.
Wearing a size 5 diaper.
Wearing a size 6.5 shoe.
A visit to a farm.
Lily plays peekaboo with us every day. Her favorite spot to play is at the end of the couch.
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