Abigail is a really good baby. Overall, she's very easy. Her most difficult trait is she prefers to be held all the time. Most of the time during the day, she likes me to hold her. Sometimes she'll lay down in her crib to take a nap or sometimes she'll sleep in her bouncer. But mostly she likes to be held, or even better, rocked. She does enjoy laying under her jungle gym/mat and listening to the music and she's just starting to reach for toys.
She's an excellent sleeper. She can go to sleep on her own. When she goes to sleep for the night, she usually has a bit of a hard time and likes to be rocked and cuddled and sung to or shushed. She's pretty good at waking up briefly and and going back to sleep on her own.
She's an absolute joy. Her little smiles are starting to peak out and it just melts your heart.
At 2 months Abigail is:
-Growing out of size 0-3 months clothing (need to get the next size out and washed).
-Wearing size 1-2 diapers.
-Is 100% breastfed.
-Has drank one bottle well and refused to drink one (we're working on this).
-Sleeps most nights from 11 PM -6 AM, eats then sleeps 2-3 more hours, eats again, then sleeps for 2-3 more hours. She usually gets up for the day at 11 AM.
-Is allergic to dairy. Her pediatrician says that this might just be a sensitivity so if I just eat/drink less dairy Abigail will probably be OK. So I've tried added a little bit of dairy and it seems to be OK for now.
-Loves her big sister so much.
-Just starting to coo.
-Starting to look at toys and try to touch objects. Her arm movements are very jerky still but she's trying to control them to go to a specific place. I can see the wheels in her head spinning as she just soaks up information.
-Loves her mommy most and can be soothed just hearing mommy's voice.
-Likes to be moving. Still hates red lights. Loves bumpy car rides. Loves when Daddy bounces her.
-Doesn't cry much. Fusses when she's hungry and usually only cries when she's tired and is having a hard time falling asleep.
-Loves to be outside and looking up at the trees.
-Always warm and gets especially hot and sweaty in her car seat.
-Has fuzzy hair that sticks up in the back when she's recently had a bath.
-Likes to suck on her fist (a lot!).
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